The Education for Life Outreach Program through Ananda Portland offers support and connection to families with holistic education and community friendships. The programs and classes will enrich our lives and expand our awareness of what’s possible in raising kind and compassionate children. Everyone gains greater self-understanding through the tools of Education for Life.
What makes you happy? Seeing a beautiful sunset, achieving a goal, learning something new, hiking in a forest? Education for Life is a holistic way of looking at life and growth that supports our natural development, an unfoldment of who we are. We offer life skills in the form of Tools of Maturity and Specific Gravity to children, parents & caregivers, so we can grow into happier, more balanced individuals focusing on the joy of learning and the art of living.

We are here to help prepare children to meet life’s challenges. The book Education for Life was written by J. Donald Walters, also known as Swami Kriyananda, founder of Ananda worldwide.

The origins of the teachings come from a great Indian spiritual teacher Paramhansa Yogananda who brought yogic principles to the western world and authored Autobiography of a Yogi.
These tools are not just for children, they apply to all ages! We are hardwired to seek happiness so we can come to an understanding of how to embrace ourselves and expand our compassion for others.
Learn more about Education for Life at edforlife.org.
EFL Outreach Programs: