
What is Ananda?

Autobiography of a Yogi

Ananda is a global spiritual movement based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda, author of the great spiritual classic, Autobiography of a Yogi, who showed how everyone can realize God in their daily lives as a tangible, loving reality.

Learn more about Ananda and our spiritual lineage.


Coming Up....

Rise in Freedom: Inspiration to share

First Things First

Jesus said, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added unto you.” He...

Heavenly Fatherhood

The clock said 1:41 am, but it might as well have shown alien symbols for all my sleep-deprived...

Learning to Count What Counts

Does it count as a “been there, done that” if you don’t remember much of anything about it? If it’s...

Yogananda in California

Last week twenty-five pilgrims from Oregon and Washington (plus one who snuck in from Texas)...

Make Haste Slowly

The pace of life is ours to make. Whether fast or slow on the outside, our attitude on the inside is...

Alone Together

Everyone is alone. Alone with their thoughts, problems, joys and sorrows. Everyone is born alone and...

God Is There. So Is Someone Else.

  “I just couldn’t help myself.”  I suspect we have all resorted to that excuse at one time or...

Service Adventure Club

Life is nothing if not an adventure. Each new day brings opportunities to explore the vast landscape...

Real or Not?

We see, and we believe, isn’t that right? Look, there’s a chair. Yep, right over there, that’s a...

Donate Today ~ Thank You!

Are you inspired by what Ananda offers? Ananda exists because of the support of truth seekers around the world. Please consider donating to enable us to continue to share the light. Enjoy this short inspiring video from Asha Nayaswami on tithing and money magnetism.