Ananda Portland welcomes your support!

Ananda is a group of individuals, seeking truth and Self-Realization. Ananda would not exist without the support of people across the globe and here in Portland. Ananda Portland is a registered 501c3 non-profit organization.

Support comes in many forms:

Participate – Your presence brings energy and vitality to every event and activity. Come and offer your participation with willingness and Ananda will be richer for it. See our Calendar of events for many opportunities to join in the fun or to learn.

Tithe—Tithing is the spiritual practice of offering a percentage (traditionally 10%) of all income to the source of your inspiration. This is different than donating and carries deep spiritual blessings. Learn more

Seva or Service —Ananda has been built through the loving service of those who feel drawn to this expression of divine truth. There are countless opportunities to serve at the Temple and Teaching Center or in other parts of Ananda Portland.

Shop Ananda—Every purchase at the Ananda Portland Boutique supports the Temple and Teaching Center. Think Ananda first when you need to buy meditation supplies, spiritual books, cards, art and gifts.

Donations—Money is energy and it is always moving! Your donations go directly to help the operating costs of the Temple and Teaching Center.  Make a donation now

Donate Goods—The Temple always has needs for particular equipment, supplies or furnishings.  Contact Us

Estate Planning and WillsThe Janaka Foundation helps those who would like to offer an estate gift to support the future of Ananda.