A Vedic Fire Ceremony and Purification Ceremony is open to all on Sunday mornings at 9:00 am, followed by meditation. This is offered in the sanctuary, prior to Sunday Service, which begins at 10 am.
Details of these ceremonies can be found HERE.
Two mantras are repeated seven times, while ghee and rice are added to the fire. The ghee represents our heart’s devotion and the grains of rice represent our karma that keeps us from perfect union with God. The fire is the divine light that is the source of all that is. We repeat the mantras with a recording of Swami Kriyananda chanting in Sanskrit.
The fire ceremony is followed by a Purification Ceremony and silent meditation which ends at 9:45.
All are welcome.
Gayatri Mantra
Bhur bhuvah swah;
Om tat savitur varenyam
bhargo devasya dhimahi
dhiyo yo nah prachodayat.
We meditate on the Supreme Effulgence
of the three universes.
May It enlighten our consciousness.
The Mahamritunjaya Mantra
Triambakam yajamahe
sugandim pushti vardhanam
urvarukam eva bhandhan
mrityor mukshiya mamritat
We worship that One of divine vision
who nourishes all living beings.
May He free us from death
and grant us immortality.