
Monday, Feb 19, 2024    
10:30 am - 12:30 pm


Registration closed


Ananda Temple and Teaching Center
4855 SW Watson Ave, Beaverton, OR, 97005

Event Type

Inner Renewal is an annual tradition at Ananda Village. Many travel to participate in the retreat in person.  We can view the morning classes online in our temple in Portland.

Join us for viewing these inspiring talks by Ananda’s leading teachers.

Come each morning, or for the classes you are able to attend. You can also sign up and pay for the entire week’s activities and enjoy it all from your home.
Information can be found here:  Inner Renewal Retreat 2024

Theme for 2024:  Embrace Your Dharma; Your Path to Liberation

The spiritual path leads us home to our own true Self. During our annual Inner Renewal Retreat, devotees from around the world join together to dive more deeply into the spirit and practices of Yogananda’s teachings – renewing and deepening our inner life.

Led by Ananda Worldwide Spiritual Directors Nayaswami Jyotish and Nayaswami Devi


Registration closed

Inner Renewal Retreat online viewing