
Monday, Jun 24, 2024    
10:30 am - 12:00 pm


Registration closed


Ananda Temple in Beaverton
4855 SW Watson Avenue, Beaverton, Oregon, 97005

Event Type

Spiritual Renewal Week (SRW) is an annual event at the Ananda Village in California. The week is filled with classes and events that are shared with inspiration and joy.

SRW 2024:  The Battle of Life and How to Fight It

Watch and be part of the all the week’s events by registering online HERE.


Join others at the Portland Temple and watch the morning classes on the monitor.

Register below to let us know you are coming, or just drop in.

Class topics for the week: 

Monday:  The Battlefield of Life with Jyotish and Devi

Tuesday: Attitudes to Win the Battle with a panel of speakers

Wednesday: Keeping Body and Mind Strong with a panel of speakers

Thursday: * 11 AM class with Nayaswami Shanti and Jitendra.

Friday:  10:30 AM  Spiritual Practices to Win the Battle with a panel of speakers

Saturday: 10:30 AM  How I Fight the Battle of Life with a panel of speakers


Registration closed

Spiritual Renewal online morning class