Join Hanuman and Jan in this book discussion of “Transitioning in Grace: a Yogi’s Approach to Death and Dying”, by Nalini Graeber.
The deeper teachings of yoga state that “We are a soul, and have a body,” but how do yogis respond when confronted with death—with their own time of passing?
In this book, Nalini Graeber presents true accounts of how longtime yogis and meditators have left their bodies. Some struggled with pain or illness. Others passed suddenly or unexpectedly. Most of these accounts are inspiring; all have something to teach about the transitioning experience.
More than just a collection of uplifting stories, this work can serve as a handbook for individuals helping family or friends to leave this world—for those soon to make the transition themselves—and for all thoughtful souls who recognize the wisdom of gaining important insights into early preparation for “Life’s Final Exam.”
This group will meet for 8 weeks on Thursday evenings, in person and on Zoom. July 11 – August 29
The charge is on a sliding scale. Register below.
Registration closed