
Monday, Oct 20, 2025 - Thursday, Nov 13, 2025    
All Day

This pilgrimage is a powerful spiritual journey, carefully designed with decades of experience visiting extraordinary sites made holy by Paramhansa Yogananda and the saints and masters described in his Autobiography of a Yogi.

Hosted by Ananda India and co-led with Ananda Washington and Portland, this pilgrimage will bestow many sacred blessings and priceless memories of a lifetime.

Learn more and register on Ananda Washington’s website here.

“If you go to places where masters have lived, the vibrations there will quicken your realization. That is the value of pilgrimages to holy places. The masters’ divine vibrations are still there, just as strong as when they were physically present. Those who are in tune will feel that presence. But first, one has to meditate and prepare himself.”

—Paramhansa Yogananda

Yogananda India Pilgrimage 2025