Community, Inspiration, Meditation, Paramhansa Yogananda, Spiritual Teachings, Swami Kriyananda

Community of Souls

There is a place on this earth where friends come together, live side by side, and support each other in their individual search for God. Not a cloistered monastery or ashram only for those who renounce the world, a place for everyone. In fact, there are several such places. I have the great good fortune of being born into one … Read More

Community, Inspiration, Paramhansa Yogananda, Spiritual Teachings

Atomic Resolutions

Now is the time of resolutions, a time for making promises that are notoriously broken within weeks. Here in Portland, we’ve had an epic ice storm to contend with as we try to maintain ours! New Year’s resolutions are not simply a social construct. In fact, they are a natural expression of what is happening for us on an energetic … Read More