Surendra James Conti

Surendra James Conti, Spiritual Director, Lightbearer
Surendra serves as a Spiritual Director of Ananda Portland and Secretary of the Board of Directors. His responsibilities include oversight of Ananda’s Temple and Teaching Center, and its live-in Community.
Since 1996, Surendra has served Ananda’s ministries and missions in Seattle; Palo Alto, California, where he and his wife were co-managers of Ananda’s East West Bookshop, and Pune, India, where they were spiritual directors of its ashram and retreat center from 2012-2015. Back in the U.S. again, he has been with Ananda Portland ever since
Surendra is an ordained Lightbearer, Sevaka Life Member, spiritual counselor, and teacher of numerous basic and advanced courses, including the Art and Science of Raja Yoga, The Art of Supportive Leadership, Dealing with Death and Dying, Writing as a Spiritual Practice, and The Hindu Way of Awakening. He is also the author of Let Me Remember This, a book of insights, ideas and observations on the path to higher consciousness.
Among his favorite pastimes: writing, spending time in nature, and helping others achieve a more balanced life of peace, joy, harmony and love.