Author’s Note: Any opinion expressed in this article is solely and entirely the opinion of the author, and in no way whatsoever reflects any opinion on the part of Ananda.
It’s one thing to find a true spiritual teacher who explains the nature of life to you, it’s quite another to be able to hold onto those beliefs in the face of overwhelming societal opposition. After 15 years on the spiritual path with the teachings of my guru Paramhansa Yogananda, but almost 40 years growing up in this society, I’m still discovering new ways that this is true.
I often think of the story of Narada, a wise sage who, proud of his wisdom, once asked Lord Krishna “How is it that human beings are so easily caught up in delusion?” to which the Lord replied “That is a big question Narada. Before I answer, would you get me a cool glass of water?” So Narada dutifully goes in search of the water. He comes to the house of a young maiden, who he immediately falls in love with. He asks her to marry him, they grow up and have a whole life together, kids, grandkids and all, until one day a terrible flood comes to the village and washes away everything: his home, his family, and everyone he loves. Narada narrowly survives, and in his anguish he cries out “Krishna!” and immediately the Lord appears to him and says “Narada, what are you doing? I sent you for a glass of water an hour ago, and here you are sleeping!”
This classic Hindu tale is a beautiful illustration of how easily even the most advanced disciples can get caught up in the delusion of maya, and this story was given to us to help us remember that no matter how much we gain, or grow, or realize on the spiritual path, maya or delusion is not to be trifled with.
Even though Yogananda told us in the Autobiography of a Yogi that Jesus and Babaji have planned the spiritual salvation of this age, it seems that every four years I still succumb to fear and worry about the fate of our country due to who will be leading it. And because, like many others, this worry is mostly rooted in compassion for all beings rather than a mere personal preference, I can justify my worry instead of realizing it as a lack of trust.
But a strange thing happened to me in a conversation with an internet stranger, and it humbled me the same way that the power of maya humbled Narada. This man was saying that he voted for one candidate, but that he didn’t actually like the idea of him becoming president. So I asked him, why did he vote for him then? And he said, I asked God who I should vote for, and that’s what he said to do. And then it hit me… I hadn’t even thought to ask God who He would vote for, I was only thinking of which candidate I thought was best.
In the Festival of Light every week, we hear the words “In God, all are equal. Not only Jesus Christ, Lord Krishna, and great saints everywhere, but even in essence those on earth who have sinned most greatly.” Equal, in this case, also means equally loved. Yet how often we are quick to judge the actions of others, and forget that God equally loves his naughty children as much as his good children, and that karma is a perfect system that needs neither our judgement nor our reactivity.
Since that conversation with the internet stranger, I’ve been thinking a lot about the idea of “Who did God vote for?” and the answer always comes: Whoever won. In other words, in every situation, whatever is happening is exactly what God wanted to happen. Nayaswami Asha often tells the story of hearing a divine voice in her head once that asked “Do you think any of this is happening outside the will of God?” And to that question, no matter how difficult, I’ve never been able to answer “yes,” about anything. Even when I don’t like what is happening, or I can’t see how it could possibly be a good thing, I still find comfort in the fact that I’ve asked Master to take charge of my life, and this is what He and Divine Mother have given me to work with, so it must be what’s best for my spiritual salvation.
It also helps to remember that we are in a new age of energy, and with that new age comes new forms of society. And for new forms to rise, the old forms have to fall. Destruction and upheaval are rarely fun for those involved, but we would do well to remember that this is exactly what Jesus and Babaji have planned for the upliftment of the consciousness of the entire planet. And that we chose this time to incarnate, not because of the ease and pleasure we would have for this incarnation, but for the spiritual gain we would achieve through these experiences.
So in closing I’ll share with you the practice that has helped me most when fear and worry take over my thoughts: I remind myself that I am a beloved child of God, that Master told me not to worry, and I do my best to completely accept the moment exactly as it is. Then, in thinking of how to go forward, I ask myself “How can I love more?” and “How can I serve more?” and whatever happens from there seems to always work out for the best. I pray that we as spiritual seekers can all do the same, for then God has ever-more hands and hearts to bring His light into this world.
Dear Adam,
A wonderfully insightful article. Asha recently reminds us on her daily podcast, what both Master and Swami said. “It is not what happens to us in life that is important, but how we react to it!” We are here for one purpose, to achieve Self realization. No one said it would be easy, but we have our faith and each other to Shepard us through this wonderful story:)
Adam, thank you for this deep and inspiring insight. I found this perspective comforting in the face of what seems real. . . or delusion. I’m just finishing Gyandevi’s “The Hidden Story of the Mahabharata” and this same perspective helps to comprehend this spiritual battle. One could never have predicted the end of the story. Love what is and trust in God.